no bitcoin trading fees from poloniex “Now until Dec 31 2018 BTC/USDC with no fees”

no bitcoin trading fees from poloniex “Now until Dec 31 2018 BTC/USDC with no fees”
I think this is a good deal especially for those day trade people, trade all day long, buy the down, sell the up, keep repeating, no trading fees. Even if you profit $1 per hour, that’s $24 a day that’s $744 for this month, if you have a trading bot that is. Buy the low, sell the high, keep repeating since I think BTC USDS up and down pretty consistent.

On Monday, December 3, 2018, 12:32:51 PM EST, The Poloniex Team wrote:



iOS android

Now until Dec 31. BTC/USDC with no fees. No, really.

We’re always looking for ways to make your experience even better. Last month we saved customers $500K by waiving fees on USDC trades.

To keep the savings rolling, we’ll cover fees on BTC/USDC trades all December long. Convert USD to USDC and start trading!

Please note that Circle reserves the right to withdraw the promotion at any time. Refer to our Fee Schedule for the latest information.

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