Fake “We Want Your Feedback!” [email protected] you will not get $10

Over the years, there has been many programs where you take survey to get paid via gift cards and so on. Well, lately there has been a lot of not so truthful and safe to say fake or scam survey just want your true opinion but will not pay you anything for your time either by saying already have enough people, or you’re not qualified. Well, the truth is, you took the survey, and they got the result what they need, you’re a donkey! in other word, the “sucker” is you, you felt for the trick.

Let’s take example of the latest email sent from surveys2.com or something like this “”We Want Your Feedback!” [email protected]” you may get $10. Well folks, so far everyone whom taken this survey ended up being a sucker, no $10, and everyone so far got the result of we got enough people filled already. In other word you’re a sucker to felt for this trick, even for $10 and using identity as CITI, and has a logo of Citibank on it.


Share your thoughts with us and you may receive $10 as our way of saying thanks!

As a valued Citi customer, Citibank, N.A., the issuer of your credit card, would like to invite you to participate in an online survey about your current or past experiences with your credit card. Citi has asked GfK, a global market research firm, to conduct this study on our behalf.
Your opinions are extremely important and will help us develop programs that are most relevant and meaningful to our valued Cardmembers. The study should take no more than 25 minutes of your time.
If you have any questions about this survey, please reply to this email and we will get back to you.
To express our appreciation for your time and input, we will mail you a check in the amount of $10 if you qualify for and complete the entire online survey. Please note that there are some questions early in the survey which will determine whether you qualify to take the survey.
All of your responses will remain confidential and will be used for research purposes only. Your responses will not be connected with your name or account.
To access the survey, simply click on the link below. If clicking on the link does not work, cut and paste the link into your browser. We would greatly appreciate your response before October 5th when we will be closing the survey.
Thank you in advance for your participation.
Please click the link below to begin the survey.

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