Look like each year, most if not all banks financial institution sent out latest privacy notice, basically they do share certain area of your data, for sure if the FBI or government want ally bank to hand it over, most likely ally hand it over.
On Friday, February 7, 2020, 12:04:07 PM EST, Ally Bank <[email protected]> wrote:
2020 Ally U.S. Consumer Privacy Notice Ally
At the link below is our 2020 Ally U.S. Consumer Privacy Notice. Please take a few minutes to read it carefully, as it explains the kind of personal information we collect and share about you, as well as how we protect your information. It also provides an explanation of your information sharing rights. Be assured that the responsibility of handling your personal information is one we take very seriously.As a reminder, if you have previously selected your privacy preferences, you don’t need to take any action. Your preferences still apply.
If you need to make changes to your privacy preferences, you can log into your account at ally.com and select your name to show your profile menu options then choose Privacy Preferences. You can also go to ally.com/privacy to view our privacy notice at any time and update your preferences (click on Manage My Privacy Preferences)
Thank you,
Ally Bank
View Ally Privacy Notice
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