Be careful folks. This email below and many similar one will bypass your junk spam email because your email will not capture it due to the fact that the email was encrypted with garbage characters but your email html format will actually display it in plain english words like below.
Do not click on the link from any email, do not click on link from sms text messages on your phone, do not click on link from any social media messages even on mobile phone, chances are those links will take you to a fake website that replicate the real website and you will not notice even looking the domain quickly. Let say the domain is but the hacker could have it as so you notice the at the front but that’s not the real domain, also it could also be for example. So becareful folks, make sure your pay attention to the spelling. It’s the fundamental of understanding the correct domain name spelling to avoid getting scammed phishing attack.
Dear Customer
Your Apple ID has been locked for security reasons. To unlock it,
you must verify your identity.Unlock Account >
If you don’t unlock your account before 24 hours, your account
password will change automatically. You can reset your password
Apple Support

On Monday, January 27, 2020, 12:07:01 AM EST, Aρρle <> wrote:
Yo176ur Ap176pIe ID H176as Be176en Dis176able176d.
De176ar CIie176nt,Үο176υг А176ρρ176Ιе ID ɑϲϲеss hɑs bееn Ιοϲkеd fοг thе fοΙΙοwing геɑsοns:
Wе`νе nοt176iϲеd th176ɑt уουг ɑϲϲο176υnt hɑs bее176n υsеd tο sig176n-in tο ɑ iCΙ176ουd νiɑ ɑ wеb bгοw176sег οn Chгοmе. Tο ρгοtе176ϲt уουг ɑϲϲ176ουnt, wе hɑνе tе176mροгɑг176iΙу disɑbΙеd уουг ɑϲϲουnt.
Date: 1/27/2020 5:07:00 AM
Platform: Windows 7
IP: 102.65176.176.1
Loc176ation: MalawiIf you have not sig176ned in to iC176Ioud rec176ently and be176lieve som176eone may h176ave accessed y176our account, Plea176se take act176ion to Ve176rify yo176ur acco176unt informations by clicking on the link below.
Ta176ke Act176ion N176ow
S176in176cere176ly,A176pp176Ie Su176pp176ort
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Apple Distribution International, Hollyhill Industrial Estate, Hollyhill, Cork, Ireland. All Rights Reserved.