UoPZR Fake email from Apple Support “Apple ID Locked”

Do not fall for this phishing email folks, it’s fake apple support email written encrypted so that spam filter email wouldn’t capture it, if you look at the email wordings you will find “UoPZR” letter between one word, it’s a trick to hide keywords that tied to spam phishing email, do not click on any link on the email or even attempt to respond to the sender. Just delete the email, and if you need to check your apple id account then go to apple.com type it in yourself or use your phone app.

UoPZR phishing email

On Friday, October 11, 2019, 04:39:25 PM EDT, Apple Support [email protected] wrote:
Apple logo
De28UoPZRar Cust28UoPZRomer
YoNeudyspv2ur ApljNft6ziple ID has beNeudyspv2en loc28UoPZRked for secu28UoPZRrity rea28UoPZRsons. To un28UoPZRlock it, you m28UoPZRust ve28UoPZRrify your ide28UoPZRntity.
UnlpZJ0sock Accou28UoPZRnt >
If you don’t unloEhwusack your accou28UoPZRnt before 24 hours, your acc28UoPZRount pass28UoPZRword will cha28UoPZRnge automat28UoPZRically. You can res28UoPZRet your passw28UoPZRord at ifo28UoPZRrgo28UoPZRt.app28UoPZRle28UoPZR.com.
Apple Support