On Thursday, August 8, 2019, 05:16:47 PM EDT, Richard Ells [email protected] wrote:
Hi Everyone!
As you probably know we’ve run a small scale trial in South Africa with direct ETN to airtime top ups. We’ve also been in discussions with a growing number of Mobile Network Operators for some time.
We are pleased to announce that we’ve just made direct ETN to airtime top ups available in Brazil. You can now top up your mobile airtime direct via ETN with the second largest operator in Brazil – Claro. All from the Electroneum app.
Claro has over 60m existing subscribers and is the first of a number of Brazilian networks we intend to get online over the coming months.
Nearly 140 million Brazilians are accessing the internet with their mobile phones and this expansion into Brazil has the potential to spur a surge of adoption and usage of ETN across a nation that ranks fifth worldwide in cryptocurrency usage.
Here’s a quick video I’ve made with more information for those who are interested…
We launched at lunchtime GMT on the 6th August and the response has been overwhelming… literally – with over 2000 top up requests within a few minutes.
Keep an eye out over the next few weeks as announce more ETN to airtime top ups around the world.
Have a great day everyone!
Richard Ells
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