Ebates is the best for giving you some cash back on things you buy on top of what your credit card company might be pay you additional cash back

Just want to share about Ebates, they’ve been consistently paying all the time for using their website as initial search for items I need to buy from almost any retailers, online to be exact. Ebates is the best for giving you some cash back on things you buy on top of what your credit card company might be pay you additional cash back.

For me, I don’t really remember the last time I actually go to the mall and buy something there, I shop online. If you’re like me, or somewhat like me, or just shop online once in a while and want to get some cash back on things that you buy, head over to ebates and register for a free account and start shopping and get some cash back, some site retailer even give you more than 10% cash back typically normal, I think that’s a lot. Imagine spending $100, that’s $10, $1000 spending $100 cashback. Ebates will send you cash via paypal or mail check to you.

Since you buy a lot of stuff already, necessity things, why not get some cash back. In addition to what your credit card company might have given you already, it’s a win win, doesn’t take much time. I call it passive income 🙂 imagine if you do shopping for the family monthly, you got to be spending lots of money buying stuff, even at $1000, you get $100 in your pocket, that might be a monthly payment for small economy car 🙂

Here’s the link https://www.ebates.com/r/VIPERT31?eeid=28187
