going live with mBot tomorrow Oct. 20th 2018 today’s earning 2.48 ARB

1 aBot active investment Profit – 19 arb in usd ( 5.7828 ) Credit 2.4845106410595 2018-10-19 16:00:15

Today’s ARB earning is 2.48 based on 10ETH investment 3 weeks ago. Very little earning today because the ARB price went up to $6 but dropped later. So the total in USD earning today is $15, as you can see it fluctuated a lot daily. If the price of ARB goes up, you get less ARB and after you get ARB and the price ARB go down, you’re down in USD as well. As example yesterday was $18 and today is $15 but we factor in yesterday ARB earning based on today’s price it would be $20 …