aBot active investment Profit – 09 arb in usd ( 4.8913 ) Credit 2.8115813692166 2018-10-09 16:00:33
Today earning on arbitraging.co I received 2.81 ARB and the current price is $4.89 so total of $13.74 today based on a 10ETH investment. What strange is when I deposit 10ETH into Meta Wallet it indicated I have $2300, I transferred into arbitraging.co and bought ARB I have $1900 in USD. That is real interesting from $2300 to $1900 within an hour, I didn’t take the time to find out where the $400 go? I’m guessing price change and fees when I purchased ARB at high price then immediately dropped. This information can be reviewed here https://www.arbitraging.co/platform/admin/user_tx
Anyhow as far as I can tell, I think this platform will be around for a while, but like all related platform no one really know the futures, even the greatest the biggest Bitcoin exchange mtgox went bye bye with everyone’s bitcoin still today no one received all their bitcoin back, if they did receive something it just the USD $ value of the amount they loss at the time, not the amount of bitcoin.
I see more and more people from USA uploading updating youtube videos about arbitraging.co just like those biiiitttttttttttttcccccoooonnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeecccccccttttt days where grant graig craigt something guys crypto nick kids something doing videos to promote bitconnect got tons of subscribers and affiliates let’s hope this arbitraging is not as bad as that.