How to fix Shock Wave Flash crashed unresponsive when using Koinme?
Short answer: If you’re using Chrome Browser and getting this error message then it’s probably your profile is corrupted. Just clear everything and I mean everything including your user name password data and retry. Better yet, just login to your computer as guest or a different user then it should work. This is if you’ve already tried all the check such as latest flash shockwave update and allow flash to run.
I came across this same problem when using Koinme to earn a buck or so a day doing nothing, but lately it been crashing shockwave un-responsive or plugins unresponsive and so on. I tried almost everything I could try out there on the internet, I was about to reimage reformat the computer, but luckily I tried the guest account and it work awesomely, so if it crashed again, just simply logout or reboot your computer and login as guest account again. BTW I’m using a chrome book I bought from ebay for $15 🙂
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