I have some Bitcoin (BTC) and right after the Bitcoin Split or Forked indeed I have the same amount quantity of Bitcoin Cash as Bitcoin. So basically if I have 2BTC, now I have 2Bitcoin Cash as well. Currently there are two ticker for Bitcoin Cash, some exchange use BCC as Bitcoin Cash but some use BCH as Bitcoin Cash depend on where you want to exchange your Bitcoin Cash.
I have a ledger HW not a ledger nano S by the way. Basically an old ledger Bitcoin wallet, the one with the ID card with a bunch of code on it. The steps pretty straight forward refer to Ledger website support, they have great support. Basically I didn’t cash my Bitcoin Cash, I split it into two separate wallet. Luckily for free, since I bought the Ledger HW Duo or Dual, basically it came with two hardware key and now I’m using it as two separate wallet, one Bitcoin (BTC) and the other Bitcoin Cash (BCC BCH). Now I feel confident to move Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash anytime without worrying about loosing it.
So the question is, what will happen to Bitcoin Cash? to be honest, I don’t know the answer but most likely it will be similar to Ethereum Classic. The price start high as we’ve already seen with Bitcoin Cash as much as close to $700 then dropped to $200 as people start dumping it, then it got stable at $200-$300, but chances are it might go down further as more exchange allow users to withdraw their Bitcoin Cash and most likely those users will sell dump it to Bitcoin BTC and the price of Bitcoin Cash will continue to fall. Poloniex said they will allow their users to withdraw on August 14th 2017, Coinbase said January of 2018, and many other exchange are doing similar things which most likely will push Bitcoin cash continue to fall.
However I’m hoping that the community realize the reason for the split and which fork will most likely can support Bitcoin growth. “A group of miners ‘forked’ from the main bitcoin blockchain by switching to a new version of software with greater transaction capacity.” Bitcoin Cash is the new version of the Bitcoin software, it supposed to fix some issue Bitcoin have, so I wonder why people don’t look at the potential of Bitcoin Cash? If the community already voted to move Bitcoin Cash, why Bitcoin still going up? shouldn’t Bitcoin Cash be the one going up?
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