account hacked

Yep, my account got hacked, but don’t care, I have nothing in there 🙂
Be careful folks, all your accounts got hacked, especially if you have crypto currencies coins.
Activate your 2FA, and never ever store your bitcoin ethereum cryptocurrencies anywhere except to your hardware wallet, ledger nano s most affordable, if not then store it to a cold offline paper wallet.

From: “[email protected]
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 9:05 PM
Subject: – Please authorize your login

This email was sent to because you have registered an account at If you have any questions or concerns about this email, please let us know at [email protected].


Recently you tried to login to your account from a connection that is different from your previous connection so you need to authorize this request by clicking the link below.

Please click the link below only if you tried to login just now. If you did not try to login, it means that someone has access to your account details but they are unable to get into your account yet. You need to login to your account immediately and change your password and preferably enable 2FA.

Enabling 2FA in your account will allow you to login freely without having to authorize your request every time you use a different connection and will also help to keep your account more secure.

After you click the link below, you will be allowed to login to your account from a different connection for the next 15 minutes. Please try to login within 15 minutes after you click the link below.

In case you cannot click on the link above, copy the link below and paste it in your browser address bar and press Enter

The above link will only be valid for the next 2 hours.

This request was made from the IP